Purr*fect Pet Sitting


Pet sitters do much more than provide a pet with food and water while their humans are away from home.

A good pet sitter also spends quality time with your pet(s), gives them exercise and knows how to tell if they need veterinary attention. Also, pet sitters typically offer additional services, such as taking in mail and newspapers, taking the trash to the curb and watering plants.

The trained, professional pet sitters who visit your home to care for your animals while you’re away, allow you complete peace of mind knowing that your pets are not only in great hands, but are also relaxing right at home where they’re most comfortable.

That means no kennel cough, no travel stress, and no anxiety from being confined to a pen or small cage or being in a strange place.

And because they care for your animals right in your home, they give your pets the same personal attention you do!


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